10 April 2006

James B. Woodburn

James B. Woodburn was the second son of Samuel & Sarah Connor Woodburn. He was born 14 May 1859 and died 20 February 1920, in Princeton, Gibson, Indiana.

The following is an article from the Clarion-News published the day after James passed, 21 February 1920:

Good Man Passes To His Reward
James Woodburn Dead After Illness At Methodist Hospital
Devoted His Life to Others – Funeral Services Will Be Held Monday

James Woodburn, well known and highly respected citizen of this city, died at 10:15 o’clock last night at the Methodist hospital after an illness of several weeks. He had been in the hospital about twenty days following a paralytic stroke. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o’clock Monday afternoon at the home, 403 east Oak street. It is probable that Rev. C.E. Flynn of the first M.E. church and Rev. Morris Watson of the U.P> church will conduct the services. Burial will take place at the Odd Fellows cemetery.

Mr. Woodburn was born in Princeton, May 14, 1859, and the entire 61 [sic] years of his life were spent in, or in the vicinity of, this city. James was actually 60 years old. February 8, 1894, he was united in marriage to Josephine Griffin, who survives. Two sisters, Mrs. F.M. Terry and Mary, of this city, and three brothers, Robert, of this city, William, living in the country, and Harry, living three miles southeast of the city, are also left to mourn the loss.

During all his days Mr. Woodburn lived unselfishly and in full measure may be said to have devoted his life to others. His relatives and friends speak of not one but many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness which they recall in cherishing the memory of a noble life.


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