10 April 2006

William Woodburn

William Woodburn was born 6 July 1861, in Princeton, Gibson, Indiana, the third child (and third son) of Samuel & Sarah Connor Woodburn.

He married Minnie Soller, a lady of German heritage, 8 December 1892. William divorced someetime after 1900 and before 1910, as the census states he lived with his brother Harry in 1910. He was a dry goods merchant at one time, owning a corner store on the north side of the Princeton square (where the old J.C. Penny building is now). Frank died 10 February, 1936.

The following is an article from The Princeton Clarion the day after William passed, 11 February 1936:

Dies Of Exposure After Suffering Paralytic Stroke
William Woodburn found unconscious At His Home Yesterday

William Woodburn, 75, [sic] residing alone four miles northwest of Patoka on the Patoka-Gordon Hills road, died at 7:30 o’clock last night at the Methodist hospital, the first victim in this locality of the cold wave that has gripped the nation for several weeks.

Mr. Woodburn was found in an unconscious condition in his bed about noon yesterday by Sam Hunt of Patoka, who had gone to the Woodburn home to see about cutting down a tree, a matter which he had previously discussed with Mr. Woodburn When he arrived he found the door partly open, and, unable to get any response to knocks, went in and found Mr. Woodburn lying in bed, partially uncovered. His legs were frozen to his knees. No fire had been in the house for some time and the contents of the tea kettle and coffee pot on the stove were frozen solid.

In the mail box near the home were Saturday’s and Monday’s newspapers. It was believed Mr. Woodburn was stricken with a paralytic stroke. He did not regain his power of speech to relate any particulars. It was believed he was stricken Sunday or Monday.

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o’clock Thursday afternoon at the home of his sister, Mrs. Nellie Terry, 704 north Main street, in charge of Dr. J.P. Nesbit, pastor of the United Presbyterian church. Burial will be in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. The body is at the sister’s home.

He is survived by: a brother, Harry Woodburn, east of Princeton; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Terry and Miss Mary Woodburn of this city; several nieces and nephews.

Mr. Woodburn was born June 6, 1861 [sic], in Princeton, the son of Samuel and Sarah Connor Woodburn., and lived in this vicinity practically all of his life. He was engaged in the mercantile business in Princeton for a number of years lived on his farm.

The following is an article from the Princeton Daily Clarion, published 27 January, 1902:

Injured In Fall
William Woodburn Falls On Stairway Saturday Evening

While coming down the stairway that leads up to Justice J.A. Sprowl's office in Ward block, Saturday evening, William Woodburn slipped and fell and was painfully injured. His shoulder and face were severely bruised and he was rendered unconscious for a time. He was removed to the Baber hotal, where a physician was called to attened to hisinjuries. His condition is improved today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

5:59 AM  

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